Helideck Approval

Provide consulting to the adequacy of the helideck to the Brazilian legislation, aiming to its operation in the Brazilian Jurisdictional Waters.
It includes the following activities:

1. Conduct the process to obtain the Temporary Permission on arrival in Brazil, if applicable.
2. Perform a First Inspection on the helideck (until two days on board).
3. Issue a Technical Report relating to the First Inspection on the helideck, including: list of non-conforming items and guidance for correction and photographic report.
4. Prepare the helideck painting scheme and schematic drawings of the helideck, from the drawings supplied by the Client in AutoCAD.
5. Perform a Second Inspection on the helideck to verify the compliance of the corrective actions suggested in the First Inspection RIG Technical Report on the helideck (one day on board).
6. Emit a Technical Report relating to the Second Inspection on the helideck, including: list of non-conforming items and guidance for correction and photographic report.
7. Prepare, with the Client, the documentation relative to the process of obtaining Ordinance of Approval of the helideck, including the schematic drawings of the helideck (Top and Profile views) in the standard required by the Brazilian Navy, from plants supplied by the Customer in AutoCAD.
8. Forward the documentation to the Brazilian Navy.
9. Schedule the performing of the Initial Survey of the helideck with Brazilian Navy.
10. Follow the Brazilian Navy Inspectors during the Initial Survey.
11. Follow the process until the issuance of the Order of Approval of the helideck by ANAC.